The Walk of Life

I dedicate this blog to the amazing, eventful, fun-filled life I've had. To my friends who've made life so enjoyable, and from whom I've learnt so much. And here's hoping to have many more years of random fun! :)

Well, there's this well-known species of people known as "Drama Queens". People who're always looking for excitement in their life, who get bored of too mundane a life and can't stick to anything. Any kind of drama will serve their purpose - romance, action, grief, pain, comedy - as long as its there. As long as its there to assure them that they're not insignificant enough to be ignored, that they matter enough to someone - a human, or a God. And you'd be amazed to see the extent they go to to feel significant. They dream of having a handsome BF/husband riding on a white horse, they tolerate abuse from their BFs because it helps them feel the pain. I've always thought of these drama queens as an alien species, who live in a world far away from mine.

But then, something a friend said to me made me think otherwise. It made me realize that even I belong to that species. Agreed I'm not one of those dreamy-eyed people who imagine having a handsome/crorepati husband. In fact, I don't even want them :P. But I do dream of a perfect life. I dream of being a great student, a hotshot career woman, the ideal housewife, which practically speaking, is next to impossible. I like to be liked, unless of course, I'm really pissed about something (God save u then :P). But ya, all those other times, when I like to be liked, I go out of my way to be good. I guess if God had made a doc enumerating the eligibility criteria for being a drama queen, I would satisfy quite a few of them. Anyways, there are many other things.

But what confuses me even more is - how can a practical person like me belong to that species? I mean, in all the decisions I take always first comes a feasibility check. Not that I don't do big things. I think of and do stuff which would qualify as breakthroughs, but then, anything which seems impractical goes into the rubbish can.

And this combo of "Drama queenliness" (this was the only way I could describe what I felt :P) and practicality is exactly what I have a problem with. Those who openly indulge in impractical drama and dreams endear themselves to people by falling into the categories of the naives, the innocents or the plain dumbs. But what about people like me - drama queens masquerading as hard-headed, practical people? Usually when we do something irrational for excitement, we let go of our senses. Since we've always been practical, we can't see when we've entered the irrational territory, in fact we end up doing extra-stupid stuff. And that's where the problems come. Because we're not dreamy-eyed enough to continue with it all our lives. And when realization comes, that's when it hurts, that's when you realize you let yourself down. I figure it's good for people like me to look for drama in the small things in life. But when it comes to big things, I guess the head's decisions are the best. Because for people like me, drama and practicality mix to form too potent a drink; we shouldn't take more than a few pegs of it! :D