We are a weird race that believes in conforming to set standards. We don't believe in individuality, in expressing what we feel. I guess because we're scared of being judged and being branded as abnormal. So we never live life the way we want to. And maybe that makes us force people to adhere to our beliefs, to these standards.
It's refreshing when you come across someone who is different, someone who doesn't believe in what's commonly considered to be appropriate, and someone who takes you as you are. It's great to feel, for a change, that you're not weird, that you can be liked without changing yourself.
And going by recent conversations with some friends, lots of people are feeling this need to break away from the conventional. They're also feeling they need to be less judgmental. As more of us rebel, we'll finally be a truly free race, not one shackled by our peers and the society. And we'll finally be able to breathe freely.
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