The Walk of Life

I dedicate this blog to the amazing, eventful, fun-filled life I've had. To my friends who've made life so enjoyable, and from whom I've learnt so much. And here's hoping to have many more years of random fun! :)

What’s with the small attention span I have??! I’d started writing something a few days back, but I just realized I wanted to write about something totally different. I had no idea what, but not what I had started. So I thought about what I’d been doing and feeling for the last few days – Nostalgia?? I mean, I had the most rocking weekend ever, literally. I spent a whole weekend jamming, with people I’d never met before. And it seemed like the most natural thing to do. It’s amazing how music can bind people. I guess that music room, those amazing alums I met and jammed with, the mind-blowing PJs Harish and I cracked, and the looks of exasperation on the faces of those who heard the “jokes” (esp. Bed and PP) will always stay in my mind.

Waking up at 7 in the morning to get to a jamming room in Andheri by 9 (I obviously got there half an hour late :P), thinking of random songs and being confident that we’ll be able to pull it off, making medleys out of continuous drum beats, discussing various stages of inebriation and what songs would be perfect for them – even song lists are decided through a lot of strategizing (although that strategy might go for a toss once the show starts). I’ll remember going to Barista to get hold of a guitar so that we could practise yet another song, the dal at the restaurant where we lunched, JBS alums telling us how things were done 4-5 yrs back, this alum talking about how his random though process led to an acclaimed book, being able to perform just 8-10 songs when we’d practised about 30. I’ll remember those 2 days as the best weekend of my great internship.

It’s amazing how seeing my batchmates and seniors cheered me up, it’s weird that it felt like I was home again, it’s incredible how ecstatic I felt when that IIMC video was shown, it’s overwhelming to see the passion and energy that “Early Days” can build up in any IIMCian. I guess this is what we’re talking of when we speak of “IIMC culture”. And I’m so thankful I came here after those amazing 4 years at Kgp. I don’t think anything other than IIMC would’ve been worth it.